Architecture and Gender

FATALE initiated an M.Arch Design Studio in 2009 and a full package of elective courses in Architecture and Gender in 2008. These are continuously developed and run by Critical Studies in Architecture at the KTH School of Architecture in Stockholm.

Links to information on current courses:
Critical Studies Design Studio 2013/14
Studio #10: Queens of PoMo
Teachers: Hélène Frichot, Brady Burroughs, Katja Grillner, Helen Runting, Sara Vall
The studio 2013/2014 was run as Diploma Studio only. The Queens of PoMo theme was applied to the general Orientations course for M.Arch students in Januari 2014. The studio will unfortunately not be running in 2014/2015.
Architecture and Gender: Introduction Autumn 2014
Course leader: Hélène Frichot
Architecture and Gender: Advanced Spring 2015
Course leader: Helen Runting

From the archive:

Critical Studies Design Studio 2009/2010
Architecture and Gender Courses 2009/2010
Architecture and Gender Courses 2008/2009